About me

Hi! My name is Marina Safronova.

I am a self-taught artist. This is the example from life, when if you want to draw, you take markers and begin to draw. Therefore I'm choosing very simple linear shapes for drawing. My main task is to get a wow effect with a simple drawing. I teach how to deal with mistakes, anxiety, the desire to give up everything, faith in yourself and, most importantly, enjoy drawing.

The main goal of my lessons is to instill in you pleasure from the process of drawing and pride in yourself and your abilities.

Be sure to post your drawings on Instagram and show off your sketchbook to everyone - this is important for an artist.

Всем ярких рисунков!

If you wish, you can watch my drawings on Instagram and videos on YouTube - just click on the corresponding icons at the bottom of the page.

P.S. My lessons are available only as online lessons in recording (can be viewed in the "Lessons", "Courses" and "Free Lessons" tabs). There are no other options.